The data shows[1]:

  • While the rest of the prescription opioid market was growing, OxyContin’s market share was generally shrinking.
  • OxyContin has never been more than 4% of opioid prescriptions (market share peaked in 2001; overall prescriptions peaked in 2003).
  • OxyContin was only 1.4% of opioid prescriptions as of September 2018.

All Opioid Prescriptions: 1992–2018

All Opioid Prescriptions: 1992–2018

Even fierce critics, including activist Ryan Hampton, cannot deny OxyContin’s market share of prescription opioids has always been small:

“Well, from OxyContin, they’re looking at numbers that are probably, you know, I mean their, their market share was small.”

Ryan Hampton, December 2021[2]

OxyContin’s Market Share Has Always Been Small, by Any Measure


total number of prescriptions, peaked in 2001[1]


total number of pills, averaged between 2006-2012[3]


Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME), peaked in 2001 & 2002[1]

OxyContin’s Market Share Has Always Been Small, by Any Measure

Immediate-Release Prescription Opioids Have Always Dominated the Market

Extended-release prescription opioids, including OxyContin, have only been 9% of the total prescription opioid market, while immediate-release prescription opioids have represented 91% of the market.

Estimated number of prescriptions dispensed for all opioid analgesics from U.S. outpatient retail pharmacies: 2006-2019[4]

Estimated number of prescriptions dispensed for all opioid analgesics from U.S. outpatient retail pharmacies: 2006-2019

10 Biggest Prescription Opioid Manufacturers: 2006-2012[3]

During this time period, Purdue’s market share for OxyContin was 3.3% (measured by number of pills). At its peak, prescriptions for OxyContin never exceeded more than 4%. 

ManufacturerNumber of PillsMarket Share
Actavis Pharma26,476,395,83034.6%
Par Pharmaceutical11,996,780,87115.7%
Purdue Pharma2,492,496,3193.3%
Amneal Pharmaceuticals2,257,973,1212.9%
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA686,276,0530.9%
KVK Tech580,825,2070.8%
West-Ward Pharmaceuticals384,200,9880.5%
Kaiser Foundation Hospitals366,492,0500.5%
Endo Pharmaceuticals297,306,3240.4%